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Most viewed - Past Rides
Ozello Trl (17).jpg
1216 viewsCooling Off
Dinner Ride 07-19-08 002.jpg
Ozello Trl (68).jpg
1215 viewsPeck's
Gatorjoeride 06-07-08.jpg
1214 viewsA small group met at the Clubhouse for the ride to Gator Joe’s. Ok, it was just Jeanne and me. At the arranged time, we headed off to Barberville for the next pick-up. Arriving there we met up with Frank, Joe, Jerry & Susan. At 10:15 we headed out. Our route took us west on 40 to a back road, which lead us through some scenic country eventually ending up at Gator Joe’s. We were close to the first to show for that day and had our choice of seats. Selecting a table which provided us with a view of the lake, we enjoyed a nice meal and conversation.

As we were preparing to leave, a Float Plane landed on the lake and taxied up to the restaurant! Not something that you see everyday.Our ride continued onto 42, then 450 into Umatilla for a stop at the Ice Cream Store. Frank needed to start back, because of other obligations, so we continued on 450 back to 42 and onto 44. Stopping at Shady Oaks, Frank continued on home while the rest of us enjoyed a cool drink. By that time everyone decided to head on home.

It was an enjoyable day spent riding at relaxed pace, enjoying the scenery and the company of friends.
Launch 5-31-08 (10).jpg
Launch 5-31-08 (3).jpg
Dinner Ride 07-19-08 005.jpg
Launch 5-31-08 (12).jpg
Toy Run Pre-Ride 2014 004 - Copy.JPG
Dog Pound1197 views
Toy Run Pre-Ride 2014 007 - Copy.JPG
Bings Landing 1197 views
Pumpernickels 7-27-08 (24).jpg
Swamphouse 08-02-08 (22).jpg
766 files on 64 page(s) 13


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Daytona 200 Motorcycle Club
3602 International Speedway Blvd. (US Hwy 92)
Daytona Beach, Florida
Phone: (386) 252-2132

©2009 Daytona Motorcycle Club
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